Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Two posts in one day!

I just found myself over on the Sun website, reading some of the reader responses to what's going on in BCPSS. I really need to stay away because my blood pressure soars after reading the racist comments by so many ignoramuses. I've never been exposed to attitudes like that before in my life. I know that bigots abound, but to be confronted with so many of them is so disconcerting. I'd like to believe that our society has evolved since the 1950s and 1960s. I'd like to believe that we have made progress in the way of race relations - after all, we have a black man who could well be our next president.

What hurts me the most is the comments where people refer to our students as "animals" and that they belong in the zoo and that they are all drug dealers. I suspect these comments are made by people who consider themselves to be good Christians, too. They don't understand compassion for others. They don't realize that we are all in this big, scary world together and we need to do whatever we can to make sure our students - all of them - have a fighting chance in this world. Our society depends upon it, our world depends upon it.

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