Monday, April 09, 2007


I created this blog about a year and a half ago, but never posted. I guess I felt like I didn't have anything worth sharing. Actually, that's not entirely true. I just get caught up in the madness that IS Baltimore and find it hard to take the time to reflect on the ebb and flow of it all. Anyway, here I am and here goes nothing.

I'm off work due to spring break. I'd hoped to have some work done on my house this week, but, again, procrastination reared its ugly head. I need new floors throughout, new appliances in the kitchen and some minor touch-up work hear and there. I'm bound and determined to have it lined up for June. I need to get my house ready in the event I decide to sell it and get out of Dodge. If I don't sell, I deserve to live in nice surroundings, so it will be worth the effort. In the meantime, I'm cleaning (a HUGE job because, well, I procrastinate), reading and just enjoying not being at work.

1 comment:

SARALARA said...

I hear you on the procrastination thing. I have started several blogs in the last couple of years and only one of them has actually made it past the third post. Oh well. I guess I'm just a slow starter perhaps.

I also am a teacher, also in B-more, and found your blog via a post in another teacher's blog.

I love reading about Baltimore teachers and will definitely check back with this blog to see what's going on.