Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another school year begins

I'm procrastinating right now. I have much to do before greeting my new students tomorrow, but I'm anxious and antsy. It's the normal condition of many teachers the day before school begins anew. This year I'm even more anxious than before. We spent the last week of professional development being given more papers, more forms, more binders than ever before. The amount of paperwork teachers already handle (without secretarial support, I might add!) is already unbearable. On top of that, we now have more data/information to keep track of. I honestly don't know how we're going to be able to do it effectively. I'm all for using data to drive instruction, but there has to be a better way to introduce and implement it. Every year teachers are expected to do more and more work. The average person has no idea what we are responsible for. I think people believe that, since they've sat in many classrooms, they know what teachers do. What teachers do in the course of a 90 minute lesson reflects hours and hours of preparation that no one ever sees. We do research, write lesson plans,prepare activities, create materials, photocopy, sort papers, present the lesson (to 30+ hormonal teenagers, many with social/emotional/intellectual challenges), correct papers, record grades and then start on the next lesson. Now we have to keep track of a binder full of data for each and every one of our 100+- students. When do we sleep? When do we spend time our loved ones? When do we unwind? I know I, personally, have to have "me time" in order to keep my sanity. I don't know how sane I'll remain this year with all the extra work.

Oh, and did I mention, teachers aren't getting cost of living raises this year. But, hey, that's okay. Dr. Alonso got his $29,000 bonus, so it's all good!

1 comment:

shellydaly said...

So odd to find your Baltimore blog from a Wellfleet blog! I too live in Baltimore city but unfortunately, after a brief but negative encounter with the public elementary school in Mt. Washington, sent my kids to Friends school without a viable plan to pay for it, which is a struggle every year.

I have the greatest admiration for you as a teacher and especially as a public school teacher. You are an angel.

As for the Wellfleet connection, I visit each summer and make jewelry with the beach stones I collect there. You can see them on my blog or

Maybe we'll cross paths someday. Goodluck with your school year. Hope it's going well!